67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
Conference programme

CPA General Assembly

What is the CPA General Assembly?

The CPA is governed by a Constitution established in 1993 and the CPA General Assembly is the ultimate authority.

At the CPA General Assembly, delegates discuss governance matters, constitutional amendments, CPA membership, financial statements and motions raised by CPA Branches.

In additional, a CPA General Assembly debate is held on a topic nominated by CPA Branches. In 2024, the CPA General Assembly General debate will be on 'Votes vs Likes – the Role of Parliament in Strengthening Democratic Resilience in an Age of Fake News and Synthetic Media'.


Who can attend the CPA General Assembly?


Representatives from all active CPA Branches at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference attend the CPA General Assembly with the number of delegates determined by the CPA Branch's individual membership fee and delegate allocation.

Delegation Secretaries and Observers also attend the the CPA General Assembly - however they sit at the back of the room and can't speak in the proceedings.


Election of the CPA Chairperson:
  • Election of the CPA Chairperson - this will take place during the CPA General Assembly on 7 November 2024 at the 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (only official CPC Branch delegates can vote). Please click here for further information.


CPA General Assembly debate:
  • Votes vs Likes – the Role of Parliament in Strengthening Democratic Resilience in an Age of Fake News and Synthetic Media.



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