67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

Calendar of Activities

The following CPA and Commonwealth activities are scheduled. However all activities are subject to last minute changes or cancelations. Please contact the CPA Headquarters Secretariat via hq.sec@cpahq.org for details of forthcoming conferences and events or alternatively head to our Events or News pages.

For a list of the timings for key International UN Days please visit the UN site.



Forthcoming Events and Activities







  • 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia including 40th CPA Small Branches Conference; Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) and Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities (CPwD) meetings; 67th CPA General Assembly; CPA Executive Committee meetings; and the 58th Society of Clerks at the Table (SoCATT) meetings, 3 to 8 November 2024.
  • International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November 2023


  • International Day of Disabled Persons, 3 December 2024
  • UN Human Rights Day, 10 December 2024


Updated 26/07/2024