67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

Johor State Legislative Assembly

Hon. Datuk Dr Haji Mohd Puad bin Zarkashi, MP, Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly
CPA Johor Branch President
Johor State Legislative Assembly zarkashi@johor.gov.my
Madam Zarina binti Abdul Kadir, Secretary of the State Legislative Assembly
CPA Johor Branch Secretary
Johor State Legislative Assembly jurutulis@johor.gov.my

Joined the Commonwealth: 19 September 1963 (as a State of Malaysia)

CPA Branch formed: 1 January 1963

Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral – Johor State Legislative Assembly (56)

Parliament/Legislature Website: Johor State Legislative Assembly (Malay version)

Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: 1 - Public Accounts Committee     

Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: Rules of Proceedings Committee; Rights and Privileges Committee; Committee of Selection

Recent CPA Programmatic Activities/News:

  • From 23-26 March 2021, the Speaker of the Johor State Legislative Assembly kindly attended and contributed to the CPA Executive Committee Mid-Year Meeting as one of three Executive Committee members representing the CPA South-East Asia Region.

Key Facts

CPA Branch Formed
01 Jan 1963
Voting Age
Seat of Parliament