67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

Limpopo Provincial Legislature

Hon. Makoma Makhurupetje, MPL, Speaker of the Provincial Legislature
CPA Limpopo Branch President
Provincial Legislature of Limpopo info@limpopoleg.gov.za
Dr Isaac Simon Nkuna, Acting Secretary to the Legislature
CPA Limpopo Branch Secretary
Provincial Legislature of Limpopo info@limpopoleg.gov.za

Joined Commonwealth: 1 June 1994

CPA Branch Formed: 1 January 1996

Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral -  The Provincial Legislature (49)

Parliament/Legislature website: Provincial Legislature of Limpopo


  • Names of Standing Committees: (5)
  • Internal Arrangements; Disciplinary; Public Accounts; Quality of Life and Status of Women, Youth and Disability; and Public Participation and Petitions.
  • Names of Portfolio Committees: (10)
  • Public Works, Road and Infrastructure; Social Development and Welfare; Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs; Health; Sports, Art and Culture; Transport, Safety, Security and Liaison; Public Administration; Finance (Treasury); Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs; and Education.


Key Facts

CPA Branch Formed
16 Apr 1996
Voting Age
First Parliament
04 Jul 1994
Seat of Parliament