67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

Melaka State Legislative Assembly

Hon. Datuk Wira Hj. Ibrahim Bin Durum, Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly
CPA Melaka Branch President
Melaka State Legislative Assembly ibrahimdurum@melaka.gov.my
Datuk Haelmy bin Mohd Hanifah, Secretary of the State Legislative Assembly
CPA Melaka Branch Secretary
Melaka State legislative Assembly haelmy@melaka.gov.my

Joined the Commonwealth: 19 September 1963 (as a State of Malaysia)

CPA Branch formed: 1 January 1973

Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral – Melaka State Legislative Assembly (28)

Parliament/Legislature Website: Melaka State Legislative Assembly (English version)

Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees:  1 - Public Accounts Committee    

Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: Rules of Proceedings Committee; Rights and Privileges Committee; Committee of Selection  

Standing Orders: Awaiting updated version.



Key Facts

CPA Branch Formed
01 Jan 1973
Voting Age
Seat of Parliament