67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

House of Assembly of the Turks and Caicos Islands

Hon. Gordon J. Burton, MHA, Speaker of the House of Assembly
CPA Turks and Caicos Branch President
Turks and Caicos House of Assembly tiparker@gov.tc
Mrs Tracey Parker, Clerk to the House of Assembly
CPA Turks and Caicos Branch Secretary
Turks and Caicos House of Assembly tiparker@gov.tc

Joined the Commonwealth: 19 November 1926

CPA Branch formed: 1 September 1972

Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral - House of Assembly (21)

Parliament/Legislature website: Turks and Caicos House of Assembly

Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: Currently 1 - Public Accounts Committee.

Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: Appropriations Committee

Standing Orders: click here

Constitution: click here


Recent CPA Programmatic Activities/News:

The CPA held a Post-Election Seminar with the Turks and Caicos House of Assembly from 6-9 June 2017. In subsequent years, Members of the House of Assembly have further deepened their appreciation and understanding of parliamentary practice and procedure by undertaking the CPA Fundamentals Programme on Parliamentary Practice and Procedure for CPA Small Branches, hosted and delivered by McGill University in.

Members and parliamentary staff have also themselves contributed to CPA Post-Election Seminars for the the following Legislatures:

  • The Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago;
  • The Dominica House of Assembly;
  • The Bermuda House of Assembly; and
  • The Anguilla House of Assembly.

A Member of the Turks and Caicos House of Assembly has also delivered video lectures on Work Life Balance and Scrutiny and Oversight in Committees, respectively.

Key Facts

CPA Branch Formed
01 Jan 1972
Voting Age
Seat of Parliament
Grand Turk