67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
The Parliamentarian

The Parliamentarian Archives

The CPA Headquarters Secretariat holds physical archives of The Parliamentarian, first published in 1920, at its London offices. 

Below are the digital archives of The Parliamentarian (2015-2023). The digital versions of the publication (2010-2023) can also be accessed on the e-reader ISSUU platform by clicking here

If you are interested in accessing the archives of the publication (1920 to present) please email editor@cpahq.org.

The Parliamentarian - Recent Issues

The Parliamentarian: 2024 Issue Two – 75th anniversary of the ‘modern’ Commonwealth

This digital issue of The Parliamentarian marks the 75th anniversary of the ‘modern’ Commonwealth and asks what is the importance of the ‘modern’ Commonwealth today? Featuring reflections from Speakers, Members and Youth Parliamentarians around the Commonwealth.

This issue also contains articles on youth engagement and Parliaments; the impact of social media, cyberviolence and its effects on political engagement; the role of Backbench MPs and their methods of scrutiny; developing a bespoke new voting app for Members; examining election observation; developing a Code of Conduct for MPs.

To read this issue, download a copy here or view our online reading platform, click here->

The Parliamentarian - Archived Issues (2015 to 2024)

The Parliamentarian: 2024 Issue One: Artificial Intelligence, disinformation and Parliament

This digital issue of The Parliamentarian examines the challenges that Artificial Intelligence, disinformation and synthetic media are creating for democracy in the Commonwealth and how Parliaments can face these challenges.

This issue brings together Parliamentarians and global tech experts to explain what synthetic disinformation is and how AI is threatening our democracies. Articles also highlight the impact of AI on elections and gender equality.

This issue also features youth engagement and Parliaments with perspectives from Samoa, Victoria and ACT; managing debate and unparliamentary language in Parliament (case studies from Australia and Canada); new developments in enhancing human rights protections from Cyprus; Commonwealth Local Climate Action – outcomes from Kigali and Dubai; and the challenges of online visibility for Women Parliamentarians with a perspective from Tanzania.

To read this issue, download a copy here or view our online reading platform, click here->

The Parliamentarian: 2023 Issue Four: Separation of powers: 20 years of the Commonwealth Latimer House Principles

Marking the 20th anniversary of the Commonwealth Latimer House Principles being officially recognised, this issue of The Parliamentarian brings together experts to examine their relevance today and to highlight the importance of the separation of powers between the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary to ensure effective governance and democracy.

This issue of The Parliamentarian also provides all of the latest reports, workshop outcomes and news from the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Accra, Ghana. Key highlights include the 2023 Commonwealth Parliamentarian of the Year award recipients, the inaugural CPA Emilia Monjowa Lifaka Lecture on global education and a CWP/UN Women event on ending discrimination in law.

To read this issue, download a copy here or view our online reading platform, click here->

The Parliamentarian: 2023 Issue Three: The Commonwealth Charter 10 years on

This digital edition of The Parliamentarian examines the Commonwealth Charter as it marks its 10th anniversary. The ten-year anniversary offers an opportunity to review the relevance of the Commonwealth Charter’s values and principles, as well as measuring how the Commonwealth is progressing against these commitments. Experts from a number of different Commonwealth organisations as well as from within the CPA membership examine progress in the Commonwealth.

This issue also features articles on disaster risk management in several Commonwealth jurisdictions, the impact of a rarely passed Private Member’s Bill aiming to restore the rights of self-determination in Australia, how mindfulness training can be a useful tool for Commonwealth Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff, barriers to women’s representation in The Gambia and the role of Parliamentarians in unlocking the potential of Commonwealth youth via innovation.

To read this issue, download a copy here or view our online reading platform, click here->

The Parliamentarian: 2023 Issue Two: Parliamentary learning from networks across the Commonwealth

This digital edition of The Parliamentarian the theme of parliamentary learning from networks across the Commonwealth featuring case studies and expertise from a number of different networks and organisations as well as from within the CPA membership. This issue includes articles from Global Partners Governance Practice (GPG) on their work with the Parliament of Malawi; the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS) on the importance of developing a parliamentary agenda ahead of the Global Climate Change Conference 2023 (COP28); experts from the International Republican Institute (IRI) share their knowledge of parliamentary learning from peer networks.

This issue also features a blueprint for e-Parliaments; a new report on inter-parliamentary relations with the UK's devolved Legislatures; the relationship between gender-based violence and the impact on trade; some of the young leaders who are the youngest Speakers and Presiding Officers in the Commonwealth; as well as reports from Commonwealth Day and International Women’s Day in Parliaments and Legislatures across the Commonwealth.

To read this issue, download a copy here or view our online reading platform, click here->

The Parliamentarian 2023: Issue One: Parliamentary innovation in the Commonwealth

This digital edition of The Parliamentarian examines the theme of parliamentary innovation in the Commonwealth featuring articles by Speakers and Presiding Officers from Australia, Canada, Pakistan, United Kingdom, Zambia and Rwanda on diverse topics such as e-Parliaments and technology, professional development for MPs and staff, security issues and the reconciliation process.

This issue also features the 10-year anniversary of the Commonwealth Charter, the first woman President of Rotary International on the importance of voluntary work and the goal of eradicating polio, the impact of developing a Parliamentary Water Caucus on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), the many different clock towers in Parliaments around the Commonwealth, the institutional potential of Artificial Intelligence for Parliaments; mapping Parliamentary Research Services around the world; advancing parliamentary innovation through Post-Legislative Scrutiny; and the Saskatchewan Hansard celebrating 75 years of parliamentary reporting.

To read this issue, download a copy here or view our online reading platform, click here->

The Parliamentarian 2022: Issue Four: Urban sustainability in the Commonwealth

This digital edition examines the theme of urban sustainability in the Commonwealth. As the global population reaches the landmark figure of 8 billion people, this issue examines how urbanisation can provide a sustainable future for the Commonwealth.

This issue of The Parliamentarian also features articles from Commonwealth Speakers, MPs and parliamentary officials as well as global experts and international organisations on topics such as climate change legislation between COP26 and COP27; how public engagement can strengthen the work of Parliamentary Committees; Parliaments bringing accountability to public debt; professional development for MPs; and the role of trade union movements in democracy through a Commonwealth lens.

To read this issue, download a copy here or view on our online reading platform, click here ->

The Parliamentarian 2022: Issue Three: 65th CPC Conference Issue: Inclusive, Accessible, Accountable and Strong Parliaments

This digital edition features news and reports from the 65th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Parliamentarians, Parliamentary Clerks and staff from nine CPA Regions and 128 CPA Branches from 43 Commonwealth countries attended the 65th CPC along with experts and academics for this unique conference and networking opportunity.

This issue of The Parliamentarian features workshops with global experts on a wide range of topics from sustainable development and accessibility to pandemic responses and gender sensitive Parliaments.

To read this issue, download a copy here or view on our online reading platform, click here ->

The Parliamentarian 2022: Issue Two: ‘Sport as a vehicle of sustainable development: The Commonwealth and the power of sport’

This digital edition asks how can Parliaments and Parliamentarians ensure that sport has a lasting impact on communities? Published ahead of the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, Sports Ministers from Rwanda, UK, New Zealand, Jamaica and Queensland as well as the CEO of the Commonwealth Games Federation reflect on the impact of sports in their different communities across the Commonwealth.

This issue features articles from Commonwealth Speakers, MPs and parliamentary officials from Jersey, UK, Pakistan, Uganda, Barbados, Belize and Bangladesh as well as global experts and international organisations. This issue also looks at the separation of powers in Malaysia; tackling deforestation to create a greener planet; the challenges facing small Legislatures; and women’s leadership in the Commonwealth.

It also features the latest reports from the CPA at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2022 in Rwanda and events held for Commonwealth Day earlier this year.

The Parliamentarian 2022: Issue One: Reflecting on two years of the COVID-19 pandemic

This digital edition of The Parliamentarian reflects on two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and asks how Commonwealth Parliaments have delivered parliamentary democracy during the pandemic?

This issue features articles from Commonwealth Speakers, MPs and parliamentary officials from Canada, India, UK, Pakistan, Uganda as well as global experts and international organisations. This issue looks at the governmental changes in St Helena, the appointment of the first Aboriginal Liaison Officer in New South Wales, the importance of intra-Commonwealth trade and a case study on gender equality from the Swedish Parliament.

This issue of The Parliamentarian also features a series of Commonwealth Youth Voices articles on a wide range of topics by young citizens from Gibraltar, Wales, UK, Antigua and Barbuda, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, Belize and Pakistan.

The Parliamentarian: 2021 Issue Four - What role can Parliaments play in supporting people with disabilities in the Commonwealth?

This digital edition examines the challenges and barriers facing people with disabilities in the Commonwealth and asks what role can Commonwealth Parliaments and Parliamentarians play in supporting people with disabilities? Contributors include Commonwealth MPs from Kenya, Pakistan, Fiji, UK, Nigeria, Nova Scotia and Scotland as well as global experts and international organisations about many different aspects of disability rights including the Commonwealth Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (CFNHRI), Global Disability Innovation Hub and Microsoft.

This issue of The Parliamentarian also features an exclusive interview with the outgoing Presiding Officers of the Australian Federal Parliament; the challenges of adapting a historic Parliament building for modern use; and Commonwealth Parliaments’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please contact us if you require a text-only accessible version.

The Parliamentarian 2021: Issue Three - Looking ahead to COP26: the key challenges facing the Commonwealth in combatting climate change

This digital edition looks ahead to COP26 and examines the key challenges facing the Commonwealth in combatting climate change and highlighting the vital role of Commonwealth Parliamentarians. Featuring articles from the Commonwealth Secretary-General; the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank & the IMF; the Climate Parliament; International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); Parliamentarians from the UK, Canada and Jersey; and youth activists from the Caribbean plus many more.

This issue of The Parliamentarian also features the President of the UK Supreme Court on its relationship with the UK Parliament; implementing a code of conduct to build the public’s trust in Parliamentarians; Post-Legislative Scrutiny (PLS) for civil society organisations; and promoting education for all in the Commonwealth.

The Parliamentarian: 2021 Issue Two - Delivering a Common Future: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming

Out now! The digital edition of The Parliamentarian, the Journal of Commonwealth Parliaments examining the 2021 Commonwealth theme of ‘Delivering a Common Future: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming’ and highlighting how Commonwealth Parliaments are ‘innovating, connecting and transforming’ to help achieve some of their biggest goals.

This issue features articles on a wide range of topics from health to education and sustainable development to social media by the Speaker of India as well as contributors from Jersey, Pakistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, The Gambia, Sri Lanka and the UK.

The Parliamentarian: 2021 Issue One - 40th anniversary of CPA Small Branches

This digital edition marks the 40th anniversary of the CPA Small Branches in 2021 and looks at the diverse and unique issues and challenges affecting the smallest jurisdictions in the Commonwealth. We also feature articles on the fight against malaria in the Commonwealth; setting up a virtual Parliament during COVID-19; representation of young women in politics; and developing a new Commonwealth Parliamentary Communications network.

The Parliamentarian 2020 Issue Four - Social Media and Democracy in the Commonwealth

This digital edition examines the role of social media and technology in democratic governance. In recent years and in particular during the current global pandemic, Commonwealth Parliaments and Legislatures have increased their use of social media to connect with citizens. What is the impact of social media on parliamentary democracy? This issue features articles by the Speakers of Kenya, Alberta and the Cook Islands; MPs from Canada, Pakistan, Tanzania, Cameroon, India and the United Kingdom as well as international experts and partners.

The Parliamentarian 2020 Issue Three - United Nations at 75: The Commonwealth and the UN

This digital edition marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and explores the relationship between the Commonwealth and the UN. This issue features articles on the Commonwealth and the UN by eminent international commentators and experts as well as features by the UN Secretary General’s Global Youth Envoy, UN Women, UNDP, IPU and the Speaker of the Parliament of India.

The Parliamentarian 2020 Issue Two - Parliaments responses to COVID-19

This digital edition features a special report on Commonwealth Parliaments responses to the COVID-19 Coronavirus global pandemic. This issue also features articles on tackling modern slavery in the Commonwealth; parliamentary oversight in Small States; and Commonwealth road safety.

The Parliamentarian 2020 Issue One - Centenary Issue (1920-2020)

The Parliamentarian is the quarterly Journal of Commonwealth Parliaments published by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. This centenary issue marks one hundred years of publishing. Articles feature Commonwealth and international affairs.

The Parliamentarian 2019 Issue Four - 64th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference Issue

This Conference Issue reports from the 64th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Uganda on the theme of 'Adaption, engagement, and evolution of Parliaments in a rapidly changing Commonwealth'.

The Parliamentarian: 2019 Issue Three - The Commonwealth and global affairs in 21st century

This issue of the publication asks if the Commonwealth adds political value to global affairs in the 21st century.

The Parliamentarian 2019 Issue Two - Commonwealth at 70

This issue of the publication examines the Commonwealth at 70 and the theme of 'A Connected Commonwealth'.

The Parliamentarian 2019 Issue One - Women and Parliament: Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians at 30

As The Parliamentarian begins its 100th year of publishing, this special issue marks the 30th anniversary of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) and examines the successes and barriers to women's equal representation in Commonwealth Parliaments.

The Parliamentarian 2018 Issue Four - Human rights in the modern era

This special issue of The Parliamentarian focuses on human rights in the modern era and celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.

The Parliamentarian 2018 Issue Three - Democracy, development and diversity in the Commonwealth

This issue of The Parliamentarian features articles on democracy, development and diversity in the Commonwealth.

The Parliamentarian 2018 Issue Two - Post-CHOGM 2018

This issue of the publication reports on the events of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in the United Kingdom in 2018 with outcomes, news and images of the events in London; also news from Commonwealth Parliamentary Association activities including the Commonwealth Youth Parliament.

The Parliamentarian 2018 Issue One - Looking ahead to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

This issue of the publication looks ahead to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in 2018 and the many global topics die to be discussed as well as the Commonwealth Secretary-General's aspirations for the CHOGM.

The Parliamentarian 2017 Issue Four - 63th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference Issue

This issue of the publication features reports and news from the 63rd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Bangladesh as well as reports from the first CPA Disabilities Conference.

The Parliamentarian 2017 Issue Three - Shared interests in Commonwealth Parliaments

This issue of the publication features articles on the challenges facing CPA Small Branches. 

The Parliamentarian 2017 Issue Two - Women and Parliament

This issue of the publication features articles on Women and Parliament as well as reports from Commonwealth Day 2017.

The Parliamentarian 2017 Issue One - 62nd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference Issue

This issue of The Parliamentarian features reports and outcomes from the 62nd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in London, UK.

The Parliamentarian 2016 Issue Four - An Inclusive Commonwealth and Youth Engagement

This issue of The Parliamentarian features a wide range of topics including youth engagement and the Commonwealth Youth Parliament. 

The Parliamentarian 2016 Issue Three - Commonwealth trade and the implications of 'Brexit'

This issue of The Parliamentarian looks at many different aspects of Commonwealth trade and the potential implications of 'Brexit' for the Commonwealth as well as articles on Parliament and the media and parliamentary privilege.

The Parliamentarian 2016 Issue Two - Separation of Powers

This issue of The Parliamentarian features articles on the relationship between Parliament, the Judiciary and the Government - the Separation of Powers. Also Parliamentarians' role in defending human rights and emergency preparedness for Parliaments.

The Parliamentarian 2016 Issue One - Climate Change in the Commonwealth

This issue of the publication looks at Climate Change in the Commonwealth and examines what will be the impact of COP21 on the Commonwealth amongst many other topics.

The Parliamentarian 2015 Issue Four - Democracy and Pluralism

The theme for this issue of The Parliamentarian is Democracy and Pluralism.

The Parliamentarian 2015 Issue Three - Elections and Voting Reform

This issue of The Parliamentarian looks at elections and voting reform in the Commonwealth as well as election networks, combatting terrorism and looking ahead to CHOGM 2015 in Malta.

The Parliamentarian 2015 Issue Two - Rights in the modern age

This issue of The Parliamentarian looks at rights in the modern age. The publication also features articles on the international legacy of Magna Carta, children's rights in Jamaica and the right to representative democracy in Norfolk Island.

The Parliamentarian 2015 Issue One - Towards the Sustainable Development Goals

This issue of The Parliamentarian focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals as well as cross-border terrorism, representation of women in British Columbia and aboriginal representation in Northern Territory.