67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

National Assembly of Belize

Hon. Valerie Woods, MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Joint CPA Belize Branch President
National Assembly of Belize speaker@bna.gov.bz
Senator Hon. Carolyn Trench Sandiford, President of the Senate
Joint CPA Belize Branch President
National Assembly of Belize president@bna.gov.bz
Mrs Clarita Pech, Acting Clerk of the National Assembly
CPA Belize Branch Secretary
National Assembly of Belize clerkna@bna.gov.bz

Joined the Commonwealth: 21 September 1981

CPA Branch formed: 1 January 1933

Unicameral/Bicameral: Bicameral - House of Representatives (31), Senate (12) 

Parliament/Legislature website: National Assembly of Belize

Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: awaiting info

Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: awaiting info

Standing Orders: House of Representatives, Senate

Constitution: click here

Recent CPA Programmatic Activities/News:

The three-day CPA Post-Election Seminar for National Assembly of Belize held between 3 to 7 May 2021 resulted in a number of outcomes including:

  • Participation from 27 Members of the House of Representatives and Senators including both new and returning Members.
  • Contributions from a wide range of CPA Branches across the Commonwealth and from partner organisations including the Commonwealth Foundation and The Ramphal Institute.
  • Participation from 8 new and returning female Presiding Officers from across the CPA Caribbean, Atlantic and Americas (CAA) Region.

Please find below a link to the report.

Case Studies from the CPA:

Recent articles in The Parliamentarian:

Other programmes

As part of the Technical Assistance Programme with Belize, the CPA assisted the National Assembly in developing a New Member's Handbook to support newly elected and returning Members of Parliament. 

Read the Outcomes Report

Outcomes Report: CPA Post-Election Seminar, National Assembly of Belize

Read the outcomes report from the three-day CPA Post-Election Seminar for National Assembly of Belize held between 3 to 7 May 2021.

Key Facts

Date of Independence
21 Sep 1981
CPA Branch Formed
01 Jan 1950
Voting Age
First Parliament
01 Jan 1954
Seat of Parliament