67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
66th CPC News

Commonwealth Parliamentary Clerks share best practice and innovations in Parliaments at 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Ghana

The 57th Meeting of the Society-of-Clerks-at-the-Table (SoCATT) took place in the margins of the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) in Accra, Ghana.

Above: Commonwealth Parliamentary Clerks share best practice and innovations in Parliaments at 57th Meeting of the Society-of-Clerks-at-the-Table in Ghana. For further images please click here. Images: Parliament of Ghana/CPA Headquarters.

The meeting brought together Parliamentary Clerks and parliamentary staff from Commonwealth Parliaments to discuss the latest legislative practices and to share best practice.

The Chair of the meeting was Mr Cyril Kwabena Oteng Nsiah, Clerk to Parliament of Ghana and CPA Ghana Branch Secretary.

Presentations were made during the two-day meeting by a number of different Parliamentary Clerks on subjects including:

  • Parliamentary system and developments in the Parliament of Ghana
  • Parliamentary diplomacy in the Canadian Federal Parliament
  • Ministerial accountability and privilege in the United Kingdom Parliament
  • Cybersecurity in an E-Parliament: A case study from Western Cape
  • Gender sensitive audits in the Scottish Parliament
  • Ratification of treaties and conventions: National Assembly of Kenya
  • Developments in procedure and practice in Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly
  • Delegated Legislation: The shifting balance of power between the Legislature and the Executive in the United Kingdom
  • Benchmarking against the CPA’s Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr Ed Beale, SoCATT Secretary (United Kingdom) outlined a number of SoCATT reports and decisions, and proposals for the agenda for the 58th SoCATT General Meeting were agreed.

For further information about SoCATT please click here.


Further information about the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) can be found at the official conference website and also at the 66th CPC Hub.

On social media follow the hashtag #66CPC

Images of the 66th CPC are also available at the CPA's Flickr page

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) organises its annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) to address global political issues and developments in the parliamentary system through conference workshops and sessions for leading Parliamentarians representing Parliaments and Legislatures throughout the Commonwealth.

The CPA is an international community of almost 180 Commonwealth Parliaments and Legislatures working together to deepen the Commonwealth’s commitment to the highest standards of democratic governance.

For media enquiries, please contact communications@cpahq.org.

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