67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC)

Event Hub - 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

Event Details

Dates: 30 September - 6 October 2023

Location: Accra, Ghana

Hosted by: Parliament of Ghana and CPA Ghana Branch

66th CPC At a Glance

Day 1 & 2

Day 3 & 4

Day 5 & 6


The 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) was hosted by the Parliament of Ghana and the CPA Ghana Branch in Accra, Ghana, from 30 September to 6 October 2023. 

The 66th CPC was held under the theme of 'The Commonwealth Charter 10 years on: Values and Principles for Parliaments to Uphold'. 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the Commonwealth Charter which outlines the principles and values of the Commonwealth. 

During the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, there were also be a number of additional conferences and meetings including:

A full round up of all of the conference news and workshop reports from the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) in Ghana will appear in The Parliamentarian: Conference Issue out in November 2023.


Images and resources

  • For the latest news and images from the 66th CPC - follow us on social media using the hashtag #66CPC
  • You can also download the latest images from the 66th CPC at the CPA's Flickr page.

Read the Conference Concluding Statement

66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference: Concluding Statement

The Conference Concluding Statement for the 66th CPC contains:

- the main outcomes and events of the conference including the 66th General Assembly, the CPA Executive Committee and Network Steering Committees

- a summary of the CPC and CPA Small Branches workshop discussions

- the recommendations that were either endorsed or noted by the Members in attendance

- news about the inaugural Lifaka Lecture and the Parliamentarian of the Year Awards.


Tell us about your 66th CPC experience

In the interest of continuous improvement, the CPA and the CPC Hosts are keen to receive feedback on the 66th CPC.

Following the 66th CPC, the CPA Headquarters Secretariat will be conducting a review of the CPC modalities. In determining what changes may be required moving forward, it is vital for us to receive input and feedback from participants, especially the CPA Membership.

Please take some time to provide this all-important feedback.

Submit a feedback form ->


News - 66th CPC

News - 66th CPC

Find out all of the latest news, events and images from the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference.
Programme - 66th CPC

Programme - 66th CPC

Browse the schedule for the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Accra, Ghana, from 30 September to 6 October 2023.
Workshops - 66th CPC

Workshops - 66th CPC

The CPC workshops are an opportunity for Parliamentarians and global experts to discuss major political and parliamentary issues.
39th CPA Small Branches Conference - 66th CPC

39th CPA Small Branches Conference - 66th CPC

Find out more about the workshops for Members of Parliament from the smallest jurisdictions in the Commonwealth to discuss issues relevant to their Legislatures.
Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians - 66th CPC

Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians - 66th CPC

Find out more about the activities of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) network at the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference.
Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities - 66th CPC

Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities - 66th CPC

Find out more about the activities of the Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities (CPwD) network at the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference.
2023 Emilia Monjowa Lifaka Lecture

2023 Emilia Monjowa Lifaka Lecture

Betty Abeng, CEO of the Commonwealth Education Trust, will deliver the inaugural Emiliia Monjowa Lifaka Lecture at the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Accra, Ghana.
Event: Mapping discriminatory laws across the Commonwealth

Event: Mapping discriminatory laws across the Commonwealth

On 2 October 2023, the CPA and UN Women will co-host a side event on mapping discriminatory laws across the Commonwealth at the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, in Accra, Ghana.

The Parliamentarian: Ghana Profile

66th CPC Supplement

The 66th CPC Ghana supplement to The Parliamentarian features articles by Members of Parliament and parliamentary staff on a diverse range of topics including the development of Ghana’s Parliament over the last 30 years, gender mainstreaming to increase women’s representation, public engagement through the Ghana’s Citizens’ Bureau and the development of its youth programmes. View below on ISSUU or click here to download.

More pre-Conference reading:

CPC News

Royal visit marks New South Wales Legislature's bicentenary

Royal visit marks New South Wales Legislature's bicentenary

King Charles visits New South Wales Parliament to mark the bicentenary of the Legislative Council ahead of 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

New CPA Vice-Patron announced

New CPA Vice-Patron announced

New South Wales Governor becomes CPA Vice-Patron ahead of 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Sydney

67th CPC pre-conference visit to New South Wales

67th CPC pre-conference visit to New South Wales

The CPA Secretary-General visits the Parliament of New South Wales ahead of 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Australia

Contact Us

Get in touch with the Conference Secretariat

If you have any questions regarding the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, please contact us at cpc@cpahq.org.

Useful Documents

The Commonwealth Charter (CPA version)

The Commonwealth Charter is a document of the values and aspirations which unite the Commonwealth. It expresses the commitment of member states to the development of free and democratic societies and the promotion of peace and prosperity to improve the lives of all the people of the Commonwealth. The Charter also acknowledges the role of civil society in supporting the goals and values of the Commonwealth.

History of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC)

Download a history of the annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference and a full list of host Branches for the conference.